So, let's start. The Product Hero number 12 is:
Camila Ferreira!
I met Camila when I visited Resultados Digitais (Saas company) in Floripa. And for sure, we discussed product, news and trends in the Produto.io.
She has a lot of experiences in different roles, for example in Tricae and ventures like Monashees. Now, she is PM at Resultado Digitais.
1. How do you explain your job to ‘normal’ people? (like your grandmother..)
If my grandmother asked me about my job I would answer to her:
“Dear Batchan, try to think how many different refrigerators you bought during your entire life, and how each one of them evolved until you get this new one here in your kitchen, very modern, frost free and made of stainless steel.
Great! A Product Manager is a person that understands your issues and needs in freezing foods, and the one responsible for defining the next generation of refrigerators, and deliver the best experience to you”.
2. What is your morning routine at work as Product Manager?
I use to get very early in the office to enjoy the silent environment. The first thing I check is the weekly agenda, and then open my personal board on Trello to define my goals and tasks of the week and prioritize them.
3. Where do you get your inspiration?
It depends on my career momentum. In the last days some of my inspirations are:
A podcast with David Cancel, CEO of Drift. It is very insightful and he talks a little bit about the product management role.
Brian Balfour’s Coelevate, previously VP Growth @ Hubspot. It is a vital source when I need to go deeper in some subject regarding user acquisition and retention.
And third, my therapist Samantha. She is more than a therapist, becoming a life and career coach. Many of my learnings about emotional intelligence are thanks to her.
4. What is your type of Product Manager?
The best approach is the one used by Brian Balfour as an expert on customer acquisition. The product person itself is a small portion of what I want to become. So I analyse how the product is growing, in the sinergy of the company momentum.
As a Product Manager, I want to deliver not only the best experience to my customers, but to build a customer acquisition machine.
Já ouviu nosso podcast? 🎧
Semanalmente eu e o Aíquis Rodrigues (Product Manager na Z1 e criador da newsletter O que eu ví por ai) discutimos sobre as notícias da semana que chamaram nossa atenção, sempre trazendo um olhar de produto para a discussão.
Dê o play na sua plataforma predileta:
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5. What was your big mistake/failure? And what did you learn?
When I started as a Product Manager, one of my leaders said to me: “Product Managers don’t have to care about Engineering. Do your job and let the engineers do them”.
But, after more than one year as a product person, I assume that engineering matters, and a lot!
There were moments that deadline to release a new feature was tight, and engineers felt under pressure. This is the moment I figured out that a technical overview was important. My job as Product Manager is to guarantee that I’m launching a new product with high value to my customers and with the minimum technical debt.
6. Your tips to anyone that wants to be a Product Manager.
The product manager role can play different dynamics depending the industry and the momentum of the company. If you are very interested in dive into this career, look for a segment that is inspirational to you. You have to love the product you’re building, because you will spend most of your time studying that specific subject […]
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